haa..sesape xtau akan kua cite ni mmg pelik gak ah..die nye poster dah tergantung kat majority of TGV nye wayang..tp nape gantung awl2,pdhal bulan 8 baru nak kua cite tu?sbbnye,cite ni dah release kat tmpt len lagi awl...& here i am,bg korg sneak peek cite ni cmne..
personally,aku rase cite ni x nmpk sgt kepayahan nak wat animation ni..sbbnye?simple je..x byk flexibility in reflections...well, of course sbb colouring utk cite ni lebih cerah,bright at most...light colours used & byk gune warna2 sky (biru muda,putih etc.) & still cite Wall-E tahun lps yg paling (& still menawan) di ati...tmbh2 lak bile tgk BluRay nye edition..haaa....
anyway,enjoy these screenies..these are from russia btw,tp cmni la release yg aku dpt donlod thn lps utk cite Wall-E..gmbr2 kat ats tu in random direction (so as not to spoil the storyline..)
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