Monday, June 29, 2009

experiencing fresh things v1.0

1st of all...sorry da lame bebeno x post kat blog ni.sepanjang mase ni aku still online lagi,tp xde sumthng new nak di post ke blog,aku xtau nak taip ape this past week..gomenasai...

well,anyway...only 2 more days til july..the start of the sem..ah!how i've waited for this time to come...bknnye smgt nak study ye la..bukak sem baru,aku mcm semangat sket nak wat mcm2...jgn tanye aku motivation tu dtg dari mane,sbb aku sendiri pon xtau dari mane dtgnye...
and speaking of motivation..aku da start changing things around.yg paling ketara?haa..aku da pindah bilik kat kolej aku ni..yeay!asalnye aku dok bilik 226,la ni aku dok 225..sure ade org akan tanye "aik?xkn sebelah bilik je kot?" ...bkn sebelah bilik la,tp seberang bilik i.e. opposite bilik...haa,bole layan kot bilik nih...sejuk pon sejuk,cume aku still malas nak kemas lg bilik ni.baru je pindah smlm.ngantuk2..

then,smlm gak intake dak2 K12 yg baru masuk...even though aku bkn pembantu universiti (here,they called it affectionately as PU),aku still turun tlg sket all in all,ade dlm 314 dak2 baru masuk K12 ni.& masih lagi the ratio of boys/girls stand at 1:30...di manakah kamu wahai laki2??? well,pardon me for being so ramai bebeno aku tgk dak2 baru ni chomey2 blake...sume muke2 childish,berisi..nak je aku cubit pipi tu tarik isi tu...but then,aku da realise aku ni da jd seorang senior yg agak tua da year lg tu... *uhuk,uhuk* haizz.....padahal 22thn pon blom masuk lagi..ish..

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