Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ice Age 3 - Dawn of the Dinosaurs

well..hello again to another edition of A State of Trance,eh..silap taip le pulak..
tp actually,nice for u all to enter & tmbh post count kat aku nye dearest blog,let's get up to speed...
agak chaotic la recently..
aku disuroh pindah bilik lagi oleh PJSD..(bengap sket dorg tu,sbb dorg bg kunci bilik yg actually dah diduduk org len..adess...)
aku nye network switch 8-port aku dah jadi MIA.dem,cmne nak smbg network nih..pdhal aku ni admin network...
ptptn aku kne block sem ni sbb result aku sem lps sgt teruk
yuran sem kali ni da capai >2k.byk sgt,aku sampai takut nk gtau mak aku psl nih..
kelas2 pkul 8pg minggu ni dah kne burn,sbb aku bgn 8stgh..sampai kne sound dgn cik adik sorg tu..
bisnes xle start lagi,sbb byk necessary equipment blom sampai lagi..
aku kne saman dek pakgad upm lagi..
proposal kne anta jumaat ni gak,klu x fyp aku konfem leh dpt C..
2 video multimedia kne siapkan dlm mase 6 ari..

oh,it's endless problem-stacking aku nih...aaaaa!!!
oh ye,u-spot ultra sengal di malam ari..lgsg xle nak pakai pon time mlm2...bengap ah..

anyway,kali ni aku post preview ttg.... Ice Age 3 - Dawn of the Dinosaurs..xle bg review lagi,sbb aku xnk spoil sgt storyline die..cume ade unsur family,friendship,sacrifice,addiction ngan lovey-dovey sket...
so,enjoy these screenshots (klu aku da bole letak screenshot tu,mksudnye aku da donlod ler cite nih..)personal score dari aku?4 out of 5...solid jgk ah klu dpt bluray nye edition (which of course mmg aku akan carik nnt..heheh)

p.s. aku sgt2 tensen,& only 3 things can cheer & bring me back up rite now...
- an encouraging message only from her :)
- a max-volume dosage of A State of Trance #411 live from Australia
- 5 laps of San Francisco Sprint Circuit in Race Driver GRiD